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Ultrum Line-Up is an insecticidal solution that aids in treating and preventing flea and tick infestations in dogs. This treatment is recommended for puppies at least 6 weeks of age. Veterinarians in our country recommend using this treatment for flea infestations on a monthly basis. This product pack comprises of two treatments. One of them provides comprehensive protection for a maximum of 2 months against biting fleas. The other aids in preventing other life stages of the flea from developing into adult fleas for a maximum of 10 months. These two treatments protect dogs from ticks for a maximum of 6 weeks.
Ultrum Line-Up Spot On for Dogs
Permethrin and pyriproxyfen are two active ingredients present in this spot on treatment for dogs. Permethrin is an insecticide that protects the dogs from fleas, ticks, lice, mites etc. by acting on the nervous system of the parasites resulting in paralysis. It stops fleas from biting the dog, five minutes after it has been applied.
While pyriproxyfen is a pesticide that is an insect growth regulator (IGR) that prevents flea larvae from developing into adulthood thus making them unable to reproduce. When both these ingredients are combined together, it results in complete protection of the pet from adult fleas, ticks and the entire flea life cycle.