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4Ratings Overview
My cat was having a hard time jumping on the couch before we started treating her with Seraquin. Now she is definitely better and I wish she would sit in one place like she used to do earlier (JK), it is a wonderful product and can't be any happier seeing my cat jumping here and there again!
My puppy bichon has problem with her patella she is noticed patella luxuation 2d grade she often tends work with hind left back's leg but after using seraquin she works really without itnshe even jumps and clims on the sofa very comfortably. I'm really happy witb its result
My puppy bichon has problem with her patella she is noticed patella luxuation 2d grade she often tends work with hind left back's leg but after using seraquin she works really without itnshe even jumps and clims on the sofa very comfortably. I'm really happy witb its result
My puppy bichon has problem with her patella she is noticed patella luxuation 2d grade she often tends work with hind left back's leg but after using seraquin she works really without itnshe even jumps and clims on the sofa very comfortably. I'm really happy witb its result