Scalibor Protector Band is a flea and tick control collar for dogs. The odorless band is long lasting working up to 3 months. It destroys all blood-feeding stages of three tick species, including the American dog tick, Brown dog tick, and the Deer tick. It also kills fleas on dogs for up to 3 months. It kills ticks within few hours and provides protection against dangerous tick infested diseases such as Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Babesiosis, Anaplasmosis and Ehrlichiosis. This water resistant band continues to work even when it gets wet.
Scalibor protector band is suitable for dogs (12 weeks of age or older).
How Scalibor works on dogs?
It contains active ingredient called deltamethrin. A small amount of active ingredient releases from the surface of the band every time when your dog moves. This unique mode of action kills existing fleas and ones present in the environment that may appear on your dog. For complete effectiveness, ensure your dog wears the belt for 1 to 2 weeks.