Pet Care Supplies
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Average Rating
4Ratings Overview
If you dont mind a longer wait time for your products, this is THE place to buy pet care supplies. It is the best value and for auto ship, an even better discount. Auto ship comes a couple of weeks before your ready for it, and thats a relief for me being a bit forgetful sometimes. This is a perfect company!
Pet Care Supplies offers the lowest price anywhere for Nexgard. Their ordering process and shipping is seamless. Using the auto ship for every six months with reminders, makes keeping this must have pet protection on hand so easy.
I found Pet Cares Supplies’ website a few months ago, and I’m so happy that I did. I usually purchase this product from Chewy, but decided to check for a better price. Pet Care Supplies beats Chewy’s price, and the shipping time was just a couple of days longer. I’m very satisfied with the change I made.
I was a bit surprised when I first ordered this product from you, for two reasons. First, prior purchases from other on-line suppliers always required an approval from my vet, So I was surprised you didn't require that. Second, your price was considerably lower than other suppliers, another fact that I didn't quite understand. AS long as the product is the real deal, I'm satisfied with my purchase!
Upon my first order I was confused as to the length of time it takes to ship products. Now that I understand it takes a few weeks, I am grateful and happy that this company sells pet products and I don't need the monthly vet calls.
From the efficacy of the product, to the order process, through the payment process, shipping, communication and just simply everything... PetCareSupplies is my #1 go to provider for the products I need for my pets. Stellar Team. All of it. I'm so happy to be your customer.
I ordered 56.17 of flea and tick oral prevention and received Frontline plus for cats...inside packing says this women's name and address but outside package has my name and address..I'm sure she'd like her cat flea and tick prevention as I'd like my dog'd be nice to get someone to respond to this sad issue!
I wanted to purchase this for dogs that are 100 lbs. On your site when you click on the large dog option it sends you the small dog one. I didn't realize this until I received the wrong product! I thought I was ordering 2 boxes of the large dog, instead I got 2 boxes of small dog! It was a waste of almost $60