Pet Care Supplies
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4Ratings Overview
Order was received just today! PerCareSupplies offers what we need at reasonable prices and items arrive in a reasonable amount of time. Customs sometimes delays but that's out of the company's control. We appreciate the customer service and products are A+.
I have used this medicine on my miniature poodle for many years. He loves the flavor and looks forward to eating it like a treat. My dog has not had any heart worm issues while on this medication and always gets a negative test from the veterinarian. I trust this product to protect my dog.
Thank you for the great prices and fast shipping. This is the best price I have found for Heartgard. It sure saves me alot of money as all 3 of my dogs have been on this since they were 6 months old. Wish I would have known about this site years ago.
I have been ordering with Pet Care Supplies for sometime now & I have been very happy with their service. There was a problem with this order but when I called them up they explained that there was a strike in the UK & if I wanted to cancel I could do so. I eventually did receive my order. They were very nice & helpful & I will continue ordering with them. Rosalia
Thank you so much for the best experience with your online order service! He was genuinely helpful in taking my order with his knowledge of the product especially what is available for me to receive from ordering it from this company ??????
I was very please with the order I got from u all . It was here the date is was to be here allso . thank u all for the service u all give to me . The person I spoken to on the phone was very nice all so . I will be order more from u all later on . can u send a book to me if u can . thank u all very much .
I only wish there was not SO MUCH wasted cardboard. One med per box- so much waste. I’m pretty certain customers buy 3-6 months at a time. It’d be nice to have less packaging- we owe it to this planet. Excellent service. Thank you!!
I feel very deceived and the fact that the packaging is very different from the picture shown. I waited for almost 3 weeks if not longer to only want to return my product and get my money back and not do any more business with this company.
The ones I got locally had a 2 year shelf life (prior to the expiration date). Mistakenly, I assumed the same, but yours came with a July 2023 expiration rather than late 23 or early 24. I'm donating a box that I won't be able to use to the local shelter, which they will appreciate.