Frontline Plus for dogs is a fast-acting and long-lasting solution that kills external parasites. Treating fleas and ticks, this topical solution also protects dogs against flea and tick borne diseases. Moreover, this spot-on treatment successfully destroys all life stages of fleas and prevents further re-infestation.
Information:A product by Merial, Frontline Plus Flea and Tick Treatment for Dogs is a fast-acting, long-lasting and waterproof flea and tick protection proven to kill fleas, flea eggs, lice and ticks including those that may transmit Lyme Disease. It has been formulated with the combination of two active ingredients for dogs eight weeks of age and older. The combination of two active ingredients - Fipronil and (S)Methoprene, magically work to kill fleas within 12 hours and ticks within 48 hours of application. Fipronil kills adult fleas and ticks, and the other chemical (S)-methoprene breaks flea life cycle by attacking flea eggs and larvae. It is an easy to use topical application that stores in the oil glands of pet's skin and works for 30 days. This product is available in four different pack sizes for small, medium, large and extra large dogs.
Please note that as Merial is now part of Boehringer Ingelheim, the manufacturer’s name may differ on the product packs according to the stock availability.
Frontline SprayFrontline Spray is a broad spectrum treatment for both cats and dogs that effectively treats flea and tick infestations in them. This long-lasting and effective formulation kills 100% fleas within a day's usage. It aids in controlling brown dog ticks when applied on a monthly basis and controls paralysis ticks in every 3 weeks of application. This recommended formula for dogs, puppies, kittens and cats also controls Flea Allergy Dermatitis (FAD) when applied on a monthly basis. More Info on Frontline Spray.
It has become my fav treatment for removing fleas and ticks