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Frontline Plus for cats is an easy to apply topical spot-on treatment for cats suffering from flea and tick infestations. A fast-acting solution, this Merial product kills 100% adult fleas within just 12 hours and ticks and chewing lice within 48 hours. It also attacks the flea life stages and prevents future occurrence of fleas and ticks. It is long-lasting, waterproof treatment for cats and kittens above the age of 8 weeks, and remains effective for an entire month.
Frontline Plus is a product from the house of Merial. It is a scientific formulation with fipronil and S-methoprene as the active ingredients. Manufactured to suit all breeds of cats, its rapid action kills adult fleas within 12 hours and ticks and lice within 48 hours. It also has strong killing action on larva, pupa and ova of fleas and ticks and eliminates them continuously for a month.
The waterproof treatment is suitable for breeding, pregnant and nursing felines. It protects the pets from flea and tick borne diseases like Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain fever, Flea Allergy Dermatitis etc. Repeating it periodically protects cats against these parasites and the diseases spread by them.
Please note that as Merial is now part of Boehringer Ingelheim, the manufacturer’s name may differ on the product packs according to the stock availability.
Frontline Spray
Frontline Spray is a broad spectrum treatment for both cats and dogs that effectively treats flea and tick infestations in them. This long-lasting and effective formulation kills 100% fleas within a day's usage. It aids in controlling brown dog ticks when applied on a monthly basis and controls paralysis ticks in every 3 weeks of application. This recommended formula for dogs, puppies, kittens and cats also controls Flea Allergy Dermatitis (FAD) when applied on a monthly basis. More Info on Frontline Spray.
Turned out pretty effective on my babies