Cestem Flavor tabs for dogs is an excellent product for deworming. This product is manufactured by Ceva. It is best suited for small, medium, large and extra-large dogs, lactating and nursing female dogs. The tablets are specially formulated very palatable making them very efficacious against the intestinal worms Roundworms, Hookworms, Ascarids, Whipworms and Tapeworms. It is an effective treatment which needs to be treated at least very three months to stop the spread of infestation and to eliminate all the intestinal worms.
Cestem flavor tabs helps to eliminate all the various types of gastrointestinal worms including Roundworms, Hookworms, Ascarids, Whipworms and Tapeworms, which are found in dogs. This product consists three active ingredients that are Febantel, Pyrantel and Praziquantel which make it highly effective and helps to fight against the intestinal worms and new infestation of worms. Puppies should be treated at 2 weeks of age and every 2 weeks until 12 weeks of age. Thereafter they should be treated at 3 month intervals. It is advisable to treat the bitch at the same time as the puppies. Nursing bitches should be dosed 2 weeks after giving birth and every 2 weeks until weaning. Treat the dog weighing over 6 lbs or more.