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4Ratings Overview
This makes my life easier! Trying to catch the cats every month to administer flea meds would cause me great anxiety. Bravecto is a very good product! It protects the cats and my home when they come in. GREAT PRICE at PetCareSupplies!!!!! THANK YOU!
I have been using this product for a couple of years. When the fleas seemed to become immune to other products, I tried Bravecto & with good success. It is easy to apply & works for a longer period of time than other products. I use it especially on my cats with flea allergies. I was uncertain about ordering from Pet Care Supplies but the prices were incredibly good. The order went through. They sent it to me promptly. I didn't expect to receive it that quick. Very pleased so now I'm doing more orders. Happy customer.
I was very very happy with the purchase of this product it saved me a lot of money over other companies I might want to advise that on your website when you put the Cat weight for the bravdcto product that in parentheses you put what the weight is in KG because when the product arrived I didn’t think it was the right weight because I was looking for pounds not KG
This is an outstanding product that lasts longer than other brands of topical flea/tick ointment. My little boy cat feels like a million dollars with no more constant itching and scratching! And what a bargain price this is; I bought two boxes for the price the vet had charged me for one! I am so glad to have found your company. You are a winner all the way! Thank you, Reynolds Clough Miami, FL U.S.A.