Flea bites are painful and harmful for a pet. A proper treatment helps to eradicate fleas and ensures pet’s good health. Advantage for dogs is a perfect solution for treating fleas on dogs. The fast action of Advantage kills 98-100% fleas within 12 hours and the long lasting effect protects dog from re-infestation for a whole month. It is an ideal solution for treating fleas on dogs.
Advantage for dogs is a widely used topical solution for flea treatment. It kills adult fleas, and prevents re-infestation for a month. The active ingredient – Imidacloprid present in Advantage is an effective insecticide that starts killing fleas within an hour of application. This easy to use solution kills 99% fleas found on dog’s surroundings with its unique formula.
By killing fleas, Advantage is helpful in fighting various flea-infested diseases and prevents Flea Allergy Dermatitis (FAD). Creating a safety layer on dog’s body, Advantage prevents flea biting and saves your pet from fatal disease. The waterproof quality even works when dogs go for bath or swim.