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4Ratings Overview
Just started using this brand but it seem to be working great for my dog. The reason I chose Nexgard Spectra is because it has everything and does it all. It kills fleas, ticks, heart worms, hook, round and whip worms. Thanks for such a great treatment for my dog and at a great price point.
My schnauzner started to have problems with pests like fleas and worms. A friend suggested to start with this and we will be forever thankful to him! Nexgard spectra is wonderful, it stops all infections and keeps pests at the bay!
I really like the combination heartworm /flea and tick medication. I don’t understand why this is not offered by my vet in Maine, but delighted I found PetCare! Amazingly fast delivery from the UK! You have a new and very happy new customer! Thank you!