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4Ratings Overview
Appreciated the affordability #1 I had 16 cats to buy for and this totally helped me to be able to cover them all. Our lastest 3 month old rescue definitely had fleas. We since giving Capstat habe not seen 1 flea on any of our cats. Hreat product, great price and great Customer Service
I was applying topical flea products on my cats all summer but the fleas kept coming. I think this product is a good secondary solution while trying to combat fleas because it works fast in killing fleas and calming your cat if only for a week while trying to combat the remaining fleas. It's an ongoing process, unfortunately.
Overall, this is a great product for getting rid of the fleas on your cat. It is, however, not a long term solution like other products and should be used with other products like Frontline. Warning: some cats may have a very adverse reaction to the fleas dieing. My cat starts panting heavly with his toungue sticking out and starts scratching frantically as the fleas run around while dieing.
Since I cannot apply long-term flea treatment to local feral cats, I find CapStar a good alternative. It gives the cats relief from constant itching. When they seem uncomfortable again, I give them another CapStar pill. Service and delivery from Pet Care Supplies was good. Will use them again.
I crushed one pill and divided it between (5) six week old kittens. I sprayed and washed bedding and powdered carpet. Vacuumed and 4 hours later, no more itching or fleas on the kittens. It has been a week, with daily combing, and still no fleas. 24 hours was enough to get the fleas under control on the cats and on their bedding.
I ordered capstar for my 6 lb Chihuahua and also ordered capstar for my 27 lb cat. I realize the dosage only goes up to 25 lb but I was hoping it would work. However..... I was given two packages of capstar for dogs and cats. I wanted the separate one for the cat only but received two of the other.
Capstar works great in conjunction with topical flea liquid, and has it the cheapest! I smash them up and put into moist catfood, and my cats are none the wiser. Love their fast shipping, prices, and selection at and shop here often...thank you!!
Very helpful in providing instant relief. My lAB, unfortunately, suffered from heavy infestations. I ignored initially but suddenly I could see the problem getting worse. I bought this with program-flavored tablets and now my Lab is relieved and happy. I would like to thank you guys
Very helpful in providing instant relief. My lAB, unfortunately, suffered from heavy infestations. I ignored initially but suddenly I could see the problem getting worse. I bought this with program-flavored tablets and now my Lab is relieved and happy. I would like to thank you guys
Capstar claims to start working within 30 min...I was skeptical. However, right around 30 min of giving my cats this magic little pill they went from scratching and biting incessantly to nothing!! No scratching, no biting and were back to normal! This is an excellent product when they need relief fast
Never had an issue with this product. I have 2 kitties. Last year one of them had contracted heavy flea infection which went bad. Two weeks later, as I got to know about this drug I instantly started her treatment. It worked within an hour and I was literally awestruck. Now, whenever she faces flea issues I give Capstar and it works very swiftly removing all those creepy fleas!
For a quick removal of fleas from your cat, this works magically. Ony with it had some residual effect. I have a 14#, 14 YO cat. He seems to attract flaas. I give him Capstar when he gets bad to kill of the current collection and then a longer-term flea treatment to keep him flealess.
This is the first flea product which works so quickly. Although my kitty was a little agitated at the time those fleas were going dead but now she is absolutely fine and totally rid of these buggers. I also made sure to clean everything after the kitty started shedding fleas. It's been a week and I cannot find any signs of fleas. It did work well for my cat.
Seeing my kitty distressed and scratching all the time was so painful. Capstar helped fight these annoying creatures and to my amazement, within half an hour of administering the treatment, all the fleas started dislodging from my cat's fur. It was a sight to behold. I simply adore this product and will certainly recommend it to other kitty owners who are bogged down with these dirty parasites.
My pal was suffered from flea infections. I thought I had taken care of the flea problem - however, it was larger than I imagined. After reading its good reviews, decided to give this a try. Trust me; this product did wonders. And I would like to repeat it.
I tried so many products to rid my big boy and his two little sisters of their fleas at the same time. Until I tried Capstar! One tablet each and pow the next day not a flea in sight. Wonderful!!! Relief for kitties and Mum.